Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Robin Hood

Over the years the tale of Robin Hood has been depicted in many different ways, however there is one strong aspect that has never been changed throughout time. Throughout the centuries Robin Hood has constantly been described as a heroic figure. From ancient plays like A guest of Robyn Hode, a 16th century play that depicts Robin Hood as a heroic figure.  To modern day interpretations like Robin Hood prince of thieves, and the 2010 film of Robin Hood. All of these interpretations of the tale depict Robin Hood in very similar ways.
Throughout time it is clear the tale of Robin Hood has not changed. He is still described as a strong noble heroic figure. The 1991 movie Robin Hood prince of thieves describes Robin Hood as Robin of Locksley, an English noble man who escaped foreign imprisonment.  The movie depicts Robin as a brave man with noble birth. The movie shows how the tale of Robin Hood has not been altered throughout time. In the movie prince of thieves King Richard is away and the callous sheriff of nothing ham is in control, Robin of Locksley is seen as a heroic figure as he helps the outlaws in the forest. He evidently becomes their leader, not by force but by the will of the people. We can see not much has changed since the 16th century play, A guest of Robyn Hode  were a similar situation occurs when Robin is chosen to be the leader of the outlaws.
Similarly this aspect of Robin Hood can be seen in the 2010 film of the heroic figure. The movie is set in 1199 and Robin has a different name, he is Robin Long stride a common archer in Richard the lion hearts army. There at war with Philip II of France and once again Robin is portrayed as the heroic figure of the story. Although both movies described are similar they deal with a different aspect of the hero in comparison to Robin Hood and the monk.

Robin Hood and the monk takes a different aspect of the tale of Robin Hood, in both the story and how it portrays him as the heroic figure. Robin receives a letter instructing him to go before the king, with regards to the losses the monk has suffered. In this version of Robin Hood little John plays a big part in his role as a hero figure. It is surprisingly little John who saves Robin and helps him escape from prison. This aspect is not often portrayed but it shows how different people have interpreted the tale of Robin Hood over the centuries. “The legend is frequently re-worked and re-visited, yet it retains certain core concepts and features that make it instantly recognisable, and that an audience be it late medieval or early 21st century will come to expect” In Robin Hood and the monk this aspect is portrayed throughout as it is little John who saves Robin, yet it is Robin Hood himself that is portrayed as the heroic figure in the text. It is clear that no matter which tale you read or movie you see, strong aspects of the character have remained the same throughout time and they are the key issues people relate to when discussing the heroic figure of Robin Hood.    

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